講 題一個建構在Linux平台上的網路監控服務-以Nagios為例
講 者陳建銘, 陳俊麟
日 期2018/10/24長 度00:12:33人 氣105 次
摘 要
DDOS attacks are arduous to detect because it can generate the attack traffic to flood the victim host from a large number of zombie machines. In this paper, we first set up Nagios on Linux-based platform to monitor all mission-critical infrastructure components including services, operating systems and network protocols. Second, we configure Nagios to forward warning alerts when detecting incoming DDoS attack traffic. The results has shown that Nagios can effectively monitor the DDOS SYN Flood attacks.
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2018