講 題The Case of a Novel Operational Distributed Storage Service for Big Data in a Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Foundry
講 者2Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Hung-Chang Hsiao
日 期2018/10/24長 度00:13:03人 氣137 次
摘 要
We present in this paper a novel infrastructural service
based on Hadoop for big data storage and computing in
a Taiwan’s semiconductor wafer fabrication foundry. The
service is named Hadoop data service (HDS), which has
been built and operated in production systems for 3.5 years.
It evolves over time by incrementally accommodating users’
requirements. HDS is a web-based distributed big data storage
facility. Users simply rely on HDS to access data objects
stored in Hadoop with the HTTP protocol. In addition,
HDS is scalable and reliable. Moreover, HDS is efficient
and effective by intelligently selecting either Hadoop distributed
file system (HDFS) or database (HBase) for publishing
data objects. Specifically, HDS is transparent to
existing analytics and data inquiry applications, such as
Spark and Hive. This paper discusses the design and implementation
features for HDS. The performance metrics of
HDS are also demonstrated.
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2018