講 題風力發電機介紹
講 者wpd windmanager Taiwan Country Manager Kai Shih
日 期2019/03/04長 度01:04:55人 氣107 次
摘 要
Reflecting to natural condition and national strategy in Taiwan, renewable energy has been getting crucial in recent years. This is, however, a new industry on this island, and only do a few people have physical experience. By attending this presentation, students are able to gain comprehensive ideas about what people are doing in wind turbine industry in following aspects:
● Global Standard
● Overview of wind turbine components & their functionalities
◆ Foundation,
◆ Tower, Generator, Rotor, blade, nacelle, gear vs. gearless,
◆ Control system, power converting process, grid,
◆ Safety ladder, personal protection equipment.
● Operation & Maintenance tasks & schedule
Furthermore, during the presentation, relevant career skills and opportunities were mentioned, so students can take reference.
Presentation file and related media files are provided to the NTHU so that others who are interested in this field and take a look.
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