講 題在酷寒之地的酷物理—在南極找尋極高能宇宙微中子
講 者南智祐 教授 梁次震宇宙學與粒子天文物理學研究中心
日 期2014/05/30長 度01:33:19人 氣1,196 次
摘 要
 Neutrinos are one of the most interesting particles in cosmic rays because they are bringing the most accurate information about their origin without interaction and deflection before they arrive in Earth. However, neutrinos, especially with ultra high energy E>1018 eV are the most difficult particle to detect due to their rarity and low detection efficiency. Searching for those neutrinos, Astro-particle physicist have built the world largest neutrino telescope, IceCube using South Pole Ice, and recently reported the first neutrinos from outside of our Galaxy. Our group in National Taiwan University has been working for new neutrino telescopes in Antarctica searching for radio pulses produced by neutrinos when they collide with matter inside Ice. This approach will enlarge detection capability of neutrino over existing telescopes and will unveil the mystery of cosmogenic neutrinos. In this lecture, I will introduce scientists’ journey to astrophysics in Antarctica. Scientific motivation, experimental concepts and techniques will be discussed. Taiwanese activity and future prospect also I will be discussed.
提 供展望系列科普演講-2014春