講 題Dynamic Profile in Cloud Virtual Desktop
講 者Cloud System Software Institute, The Institute for Information Industry-Wei-Jen Chen
日 期2014/10/22長 度00:09:05人 氣499 次
摘 要
In a virtual desktop service based on cloud infrastructure, it is able to provide the experience of local desktop and the advantages of platform-free convenience. The service makes access to desktop environment easily from internet and it is available to reach application from any location with any device. In order to provide the service, there are varieties of servers functional behind the virtual desktop. The two major roles of server are Application Server and File Server. Application servers to deliver different applications from different O.S. servers. File servers to keep files and configuration settings of each user. As user starts the virtual desktop environment, these services seamlessly communicate with each other to setup a user-specific desktop environment. This paper demonstrates the backend process and mechanism used in synchronizing user profile of virtual desktop in the cloud architecture.
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2014