講 題Ocean Floor Networks in Japan – Towards Disaster Mitigation on Earthquakes and Tsunamis
講 者日本海洋研究開發機構 首席研究科學家-金田義行
日 期2014/11/18長 度00:32:08人 氣541 次
摘 要
Ocean Floor Networks in Japan – Towards Disaster Mitigation on Earthquakes and Tsunamis


 Based on lessons learned from 2011 East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami, we recognized the importance of real time monitoring of these natural hazards. Therefore, as real time monitoring system, DONET1 (Dense Ocean floor Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis) was deployed and DONET2 is being developed around the Nankai trough southwestern Japan. Furthermore, DONET1 and DONET2 with multi kinds of sensors such as broadband seismometers and precise pressure gauges will be expected to monitor slow events such as low frequency tremors and slow earthquakes for the estimation of seismic stage which is the inter-seismic or pre-seismic stage based on slow event simulation researches. Not only slow events, but also the change of micro seismicity will be significant for the estimation of seismic stage.
 Furthermore, advanced simulations such as the recurrence cycle of mega thrust earthquakes, tsunami inundation and seismic response on buildings /city are very important for future disaster mitigation programs and related measures. Now, we are developing to the Tsunami estimation system with the integration of real time monitoring data and tsunami simulation database. If this system is practical, it is very powerful for the estimation of damages by tsunamis and evacuation and rescue.
 Finally, Around off Tohoku seismogenic zone, New Inline cable systems are under construction, so Japanese government are preparing and constructing ocean floor networks for Disaster mitigation and Predictive researches steady.

提 供國立自然科學博物館-「地震防災大三角」國際研討會