講 題A Behavior-based Malware Detection Method on Smartphones
講 者國立臺北大學 吳嘉玲
日 期2015/10/23長 度00:10:50人 氣339 次
摘 要
Session P2:網路犯罪與數位鑑識

論文作者:Chia-Ling Wu, Shiuh-Jeng WANG, Jen-Chun Chang

With the enormous increasing number of newly developed mobile apps, users can easily search and download them from Google Play. This revolution has dramatically changed our lifestyle and the way we utilize traditional data storage. More and more people are accustomed to storing photos, videos and personal information in smartphones. Due to these changes of lifestyle, some people began to covet the precious personal data that stored in users’ phones. People with specific intentions or purposes attempt to inject Trojans or malicious apps that cannot be detected by users. It has severely threatened the users’ information privacy. To solve the problem, this paper will explore networking abnormal behaviors of malwares, and propose a phone network behavior based malware detection method. This method will assist network administrators to build up a system which helps users detect and analyze abnormal network behavior.
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2015