講 題Opening
講 者Chii-Shiarng Chen Director General 
日 期2016/09/21長 度00:06:52人 氣215 次
摘 要
Welcome to NMMBA (National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium) and the 7th "The Omics in the Ocean - The International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biotechnology". NMMBA is located within Kenting National Park of Pingtung, Taiwan. This region of the Pacific Ocean near the north end of the southeastern Asia Coral Reef Triangle is known for its marine biodiversity and ocean dynamics. This geographic uniqueness has provided abundant resources and created a great research opportunity for NMMBA as a national museum and aquarium. Since 2008, the Symposium with renowned keynote speakers from both Taiwan and around the world, has been attracting more than 100 participants annually. This year, the topics on "Mesophotics Coral Ecosystems and Aquatic Animal Welfare" will be discussed in the Symposium. We sincerely hope that all of you will benefit from this Symposium and become lifetime professional partners as well as personal friends of NMMBA. We also hope that you enjoy our hospitality and the unique environment of Kenting National Park.
提 供國立海洋生物博物館- The 7th International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biotechnology