講 題多色調高效率藍雜訊抖動法
講 者王翔毅
日 期2016/10/21長 度00:09:31人 氣222 次
摘 要
Multitoning technique, extended from the halftoning, converts the continuous-tone image into quantized image using more than two tones. However, the former methods easily result in the unnatural textures such as banding effect, and thus seriously degrade image quality. Although iterative multitoning methods introduce a better result, the high computational complexity is also involved. To improve visual quality and runtime, the efficient blue-noise dithering for multitoning (M-EBND) is proposed in this paper. As documented in the experimental results, excellent tone-similarity can be achieved. Comparing to the state-of-the-art methods, the proposed method features the shortest runtime, yet avoids the most artifacts. As a result, the proposed M-EBND can be a very competitive candidate for multitoning applications.
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2016