講 題Video Super-Resolution Using Convolutional Neural Network
講 者國立成功大學電機工程學系-Chien-Wei Lin學生
日 期2017/10/25長 度00:11:56人 氣117 次
摘 要
Convolutional neural network (CNN) has been widely applied to super-resolution tasks. However, the existing super-resolution algorithms with CNN need pre-processing steps which require massive computation. In this paper, we propose an architecture that learns both spatial and temporal information of low-resolution video. Consecutive frames are used as input to our video super-resolution CNN. Unlike existing approaches, only a single convolutional layer, named correlational layer, is used to replace the motion compensation step. Experimental results show that the proposed correlational layer is able to learn the motion information and outperform the network with motion compensated frames by 0.19 dB in PSNR. Our method can averagely outperformVSRnet by 0.39 dB in PSNR for videos upscaled with factor 3.
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2017