講 題A Visualization Tool for Mixed-Parallel Workflow Scheduling Research
講 者A Visualization Tool for Mixed-Parallel Workflow Scheduling Research Shuo-Ting Yu
日 期2018/10/25長 度00:07:24人 氣105 次
摘 要
The ever-increasing large-scale, complex and performancedemanding
computational applications make mixed-parallel
computation an important and promising model for parallel
processing. Therefore, mixed-parallel workflow scheduling
becomes a crucial research topic for improving the parallel
execution performance. This paper presents an executionschedule
visualization tool for aiding mixed-parallel workflow
scheduling research. Compared to existing tools used to visualize
mixed-parallel workflow execution schedules, our tool is easier
and more convenient to use. Users do not have to deal with the
trivial and complicated details of graphics, enabling them to
focus on the scheduling problem itself. This tool has been
developed as a new add-on facility for our earlier work, a
Platform of Extensible Workflow Simulation Service (Pewss)
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2018