講 題Measurement and Simulation of Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT)
講 者Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Vel Tech, Chennai, India Poorna Pravallika Sriram
日 期2017/10/26長 度00:11:33人 氣103 次
摘 要
The telecom organization Third Generation Partnership
Project (3GPP) has developed a narrowband system which is
based on Long Term Evolution (LTE) and is being introduced
to support the Internet of Things (IoT). The new Narrowband
Internet of Things (NB-IoT or LTE-NB) was intended to
partially meet the demand of emerging pervasive IoT. NB-IoT
supports wide coverage and low bit rate and thus has great
potential to be the future commercial technology of Low Power
Wide Area Network (LPWAN). The design targets of NB-IoT
include low cost devices, high coverage, long device battery
life, and massive capacity. We compare several performances
of NB-IoT with other communication technologies in the
aspects of latency, status of LTE-NB, temperature
measurement, GPS tracking, the number of supported devices,
data transmission rate, energy consumption, spectral efficiency,
coverage area, and device battery life. The key parameters of
NB-IoT are measured on a platform set up by the team. The
downlink analysis of the NB-IoT is also performed through
MATLAB and the results are presented.
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2018