講 題The Impact of Online Reviewers’ Credibility on Consumer Herding Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Group Affiliation
講 者國立台北大學 鐘君宇
日 期2018/10/26長 度00:08:08人 氣103 次
摘 要
This study will examine the transmission process from credible
source to consumers’ herding behavior from the perspectives of
social identity theory, social influence theory, and communication
theory. This study expects to find that social influence (i.e.,
informational influence and normative influence), individual
influence (i.e., cognition-based trust), and a consumer’s
identification with an online reviewer as a mechanism of how
consumers perceive an online reviewer’s credibility to affect
herding behaviors. This study will use online questionnaire to
collect the related data from online users who have the experience
of searching online information before buying product/service. In
addition, an individual’s characteristic is a key factor to affect
one’s behavioral performance. This study will consider group
affiliation further exploring the inconsistent consequences of
herding process. The research hopes to provide different insights
and managerial implications to consumer herding behavior by
analyzing this persuasive process.
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2018