講 題專題演講:Tagging IoT Data on Images
講 者曾煜棋 / 國立交通大學資訊工程系 講座教授
日 期2019/09/25長 度00:36:09人 氣64 次
摘 要
"Both cameras and IoT devices have their particular capabilities in tracking human behaviors and statuses.

Their correlations are, however, unclear. In this work, we propose a framework for integrating video and wearable IoT data for smart surveillance and intelligent human-computer interaction.

We demonstrate how to retrieve IoT data from devices, which are attached on human objects, and correctly tag them on the human objects captured by a camera, thus correlating video and IoT data.

The main idea is to conduct fusion of multi-sensory data through machine learning or deep learning.

Several fusion examples are demonstrated for human flow tracking, behavior analysis, and smart retails."
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2019