講 題A Limitary Chameleon Hash Function
講 者南臺科技大學計算機及資訊網路中心-Narn-Yih Lee
日 期2017/10/26長 度00:08:36人 氣157 次
摘 要
The chameleon hash function is a trapdoor collisionresistant
hash function. In recent years, several
constructions of exposure-free chameleon hash functions
based on different cryptographic assumptions have been
proposed. Such schemes are novel constructions that are
dependent on a single/double trapdoor and therefore might
be realized over a large set of cryptographic groups. In
this letter, we introduce the first limitary chameleon hash
function which is based on factoring. We investigate the
number of the hash collisions that can be controlled by the
committer and provide a formal proof of the proposed
function being a collision-resistant hash function.
提 供TANET台灣網際網路研討會-TANET2017